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Pervane | Demo | Install & Run | Wiki | Discuss

Pervane is a plain text file based note taking and knowledge base building tool. It doubles as simple file server to render given directories files in web browser while it can be used as a cloud IDE too with awesome code highlighting. It’s like python’s built-in SimpleHTTPServer but a little bit feature richer like WYSIWYG note taking experience, sidebar with infinite number of nesting, blazing fast text search, file moving, creating from the browser etc.

Main use case is to create, edit, serve and search the markdown notes in combination with example source files.

If you are using plain text based note taking, this can be helpful for adhoc mediums like operating systems which don’t have large desktop app ecosystem like ChromeOS or mobile OS like Android and iOS.

Personally tried many alternatives as file server like allmark, mdserv, markdown-server but none of them seem like providing all features I’m looking for. I just want to be able to see the folder hierarchy and fuzzy text search and some better-than-basic markdown rendering.

For the other note taking and knowledge base building apps, there is always something missing although how advanced they go.


Install via pip

pip install pervane
pervane --dir=example/

When you go to localhost:5000, you need to register. Pervane only accepts 1 user. So your notes will only be visible by this single user.

⚠️ If you see a server error, delete your cookies and retry.

Package details here:

You can run pervane also with Docker, or build it from source. Please visit Pervane wiki for more installation and run options.



Pervane note taking app demo


All of the screenshots and more video are located in Pervane Wiki but here are some:

Generel view of the app

tex and katex preview in the markdown editor

Flowcharts preview


Inspired from this one from notable author.

Please shoot an email if I miss anything.

Sync - backup

Since pervane works with files, you can sync your files with your favorite sync tool. Please visit Pervane Wiki for more information.


I have moved all my keep notes, blog posts and project wiki notes from trello and to pervane. They total around 324 directories, 1579 files tree -a .

But it is not a…

Migration paths

Why did you build yet another markdown editor?

Fair question, what I need was:

And there was no good alternative, so here is pervane for you.


Pervane is an open-source project. The development happens on Github. Feel free to chime in!


Tried to keep the code as simple as possible since I need to take notes today.

Keep the engine running